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sex stories

Spin The Bottle

Alex hated parties. HATED them. All his friends went to parties and had incredible fun, while Alex sat in the corner sipping a lite beer wishing he was home. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to fit in, but when those sorts of situations arose he felt awkward and humiliated. So, when he was invited by a group of friends to a party that was going to be held at one of their places, at first he was reluctant to go, knowing that he would end up looking forward to going only to wish to God that he could go home five minutes in. Knowing this, he only felt guilty because it was a group of people who held very private parties, and Alex felt privileged to be invited.

As always, it was mainly couples who attended: Michael and Johanna, Kitch and Alice, Erinn and Joseph and Tess and James. Alex knew that he would feel dumb going to a couples party without a couple, but he had had enough disastrous encounters with the opposite sex to last him a good many years, so he decided to stiff it out and TRY to enjoy himself.

The party was scheduled for 7:00pm Wednesday night, and the date slowly approached ever closer as Alex went to work and came home. On the night he decided to go for the casual look, wearing a simple white shirt and brown shorts with a black jacket. He drove out there and arrived at almost precisely 7:00. He got out of his car feeling pleased with himself that he was being so prompt, and knocked on the door.

Johanna, since the party was being held at her place, opened the door, smiling broadly when she saw who it was.

“Hey,” she said, opening the door to let him in. “Welcome to the party.”

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Blindfolded and Pussy Licked

I had just recently broken up with my boyfriend. I was sitting on my bed in my dorm room talking to my roommate, Robyn. We were discussing him and his shortcomings (I had done the breaking up because he was a jerk) and we got to talking about our sex life. Yes guys, that’s right, us girls talk about this stuff too. I was telling Robyn how Mike, my ex, would never go down on me, even though he expected me to go down on him. Somehow it came out that I had never had a guy go down on me, and Robyn looked incredulous. “That’s horrible! It’s like a crime that no one has ever done that for you. It’s the best thing ever!” She leaned closer to me, conspiratorially. “I like it even better than sex.” When I told her that I hoped to find out someday, she gave me a weird look.

“What,” I asked. She went on to explain that, if I wasn’t too picky, she had a friend that she used to get her off when she was feeling really horny, and that they would probably be willing to do this for me if I wanted. I was shocked to hear this. First of all, I didn’t really know that Robyn was a casual sex kind of person, and second that she would share her boytoy with me. I had to think about it for a minute. I turned a lock of my long blond hair in my fingers as I pondered. I’m not really the casual sex type of person…but this talk was kind of turning me on, and I didn’t have a boyfriend to take care of my sexual needs anymore. And it wasn’t really sex, it was more like having someone masturbate for me. And just this once couldn’t really hurt, could it?

After a bit of internal debate, I agreed to her plan. Robyn got on the phone. “Hi, it’s me. Yeah, I’ve got a proposition for you. You know my roommate, Allie? Well, she’s never had someone go down on her before, and I figured you like doing that kind of thing for me, and thought maybe you’d be willing to do it for her. Yeah? Um, hold on, let me ask.” She turned to me and said, “Okay, my friend is willing to do it, but since you kind of know each other, you have to be blindfolded, so things aren’t weird between the two of you if you run into each other later. Is that okay?” I thought that was kind of weird in itself, but the thought of a hot guy going down on me while I’m blindfolded turned me on a little more. I agreed, and Robyn relayed my consent to her friend. “Okay, in about 15 minutes, you get to have one kick-ass orgasm,” she told me after hanging up the phone.

I started feeling kind of nervous and I wanted to know which of her friends was coming over. She wouldn’t tell me, no matter how much I prodded her, she’d just tell me that her friend had always satisfied her and that I would have a wonderful time. With all the questioning, the 15 minutes passed more quickly than I thought they would. She was sitting near the window and kept looking out from time to time, and suddenly stood up and said, “Your lover’s here.” I jumped to the window, but looking down didn’t see anyone I knew. “Too late,” she teased me. “Be right back, gotta go open the door.” She left and I sat back on my bed, nervously. I had never done anything like this before in my life. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach, but I also had to admit that I was very aroused. I reached into my shorts for a moment and felt that my pussy was already pretty wet. I rubbed myself a little, trying to make the lust I was feeling override the nervousness. It seemed to help.

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Hot Wife Finger Fucked

Beth and I had been to a show and stopped off at a bar near to the theatre afterwards. She had gotten a lot of admiring glances as we entered, well she does have a stunning little figure so I am used to seeing mens reactions to her. This night especially, as she was wearing a low neck-lined top and a short mini-skirt.

The place was quite packed but we managed to get stools at the bar. After a couple of drinks we decided to head for home but I needed the mens room first. On my return, Beth looked very flushed and agitated. As soon as she saw me she got off her stool and headed for the door with me close behind.

I asked her what was wrong but it wasn’t until we had been driving for about 10 minutes that she started to reply.

‘I… I have something to tell you!’

‘What is it Darling?’ I asked. Seeing she was somewhat nervous and shaken, I pulled into a lay-by and parked up. I waited patiently for her speak. I put my arm around her to comfort her. Eventually she started to speak but without looking at me, keeping her eyes on the floor.

‘At the bar, when you were at the toilet…. Something happened.’

I said nothing as I stroked her hair and let her continue.

‘You will hate me, I know you will.’

‘Of course I won’t, how could I possibly hate you? Besides, you couldn’t have done very much as I was only gone a few minutes.’

‘A few minutes was all it took.’

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